Scenography survey

This post is dedicated to the survey that I developed for the Final Project of the scenography and ephemeral installations course. This is based on the effect of material and light qualities in horses during an equestrian show. Participants will be randomly transported to different scenarios where one horse and his rider are performing a

The 3.0 Showcase

The 3.0 Showcase

The project that I am introducing is called “The 3.0 Showcase. The smart glass as an interactive element”, it is a research proposal of my group at the Laboratory of investigation and experimentation of Madrid (LIME). This program, LIME, suggests a multidisciplinary exercise in which artists, industrial designers and architects will propose alternatives for the

Los Goya

«Los Goya» is a project based on the Spanish television Awards. The main scenographic element is a Möbius strip that portray the Claim «Course of Action». This concept reflects the evolution and consolidation of people’s professional background with their respective ups and downs. Concept «Course of action» Achieve your goal depends of your involvement during

Art in all its forms

Hello dear reader, I would like to tell you some enriching experiences that I have had in the past two weeks. At the beginning of the last week, I had the opportunity to take part in the exhibition assembly of the “83 salón de Otoño” at the showroom of Tres Cantos City Council. This is